As you can see, I have an oak armoire that has been converted into a sewing cabinet. The chair folds over and slides into the space (not visible in this picture) on the left for storage. To the bottom right, I have a extendable shelf (made for a printer) where I house my second serger. I have yet to re-organize the upper shelves. I want to find (or make) storage boxes for my patterns and cone threads.
The door handles serve as hangers for my current projects. Over by the window, the ironing board, lowered to a functional level waits patiently for me to press and steam my seams and projects.
Here's a view of the other side of the room. I have an antique maple dining room table that serves as my cutting board.
I love my workspace. This is the piece of sewing Heaven that I have always wanted. Besides another storage unit on top for my sewing ham, sleeve board, etc and a small rug to muffle some of the sound when I am sewing, I cannot think of one more thing I need. I can die now--all goals are met!!
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